Wednesday, July 25, 2012

End of the year :(

I have had such an enjoyable past month, we didn't do so many lessons towards the end as we wanted to have fun with the children so did lots of activities, playing and trips instead. We went on a trip to a Thai produce fair (the children wanted to go, I don't really understand why) we took the older children to watch a session in the court in which the Khmer Rouge leaders are on trial, and we went on another trip to a water park. I did also do some proper work including a PSHE session on jobs, future aspirations and budgeting which I was quite proud of and I hope will do something to help alleviate their fear of dying young. I have also been working with Khy the group home manager on organising the summer school for the children. We have planned sewing, cooking, dancing, sports and arts and crafts sessions for the children. We came up with the idea of 'employing' the two older boys in the group home to run the sports sessions to give them a bit of work experience, so I have been helping them create a budget and lesson plans.

Hollie and Debbie have started work with Sothy which is going very well. Sothy seems happier and is less annoying as he is less bored, I have found myself feeling much more affectionate to him recently. Debbie has been working on the sign for banana and mango with Sothy and the caregivers together, as well as working on the strained relationship between Sothy and one of the caregivers. Hollie has been working on the signs for sit go and jump. He hasn't got it yet but but just the activity and the sense of communication is proving very beneficial.

I have had a really good time socially recently as I had a couple of school friends travelling through Cambodia, so it was really nice to see them and I went on a weekend trip to Kampot with a group of expats from Phnom Penh which was a lot of fun. Kampot is in the country side a little inland which is very pretty especially by the river as we were, it produces some delicious pepper which we enjoyed on tasty seafood.

Time to leave the orphanage finally arrived last week, it was very sad but I didn't get emotional I expect I will be more so once I am home, and Rosie arrived for a week of work experience which provided a lovely distraction. We held a leaving party on Thursday which was great fun. The day began with some surprise short dramas put on by the children as a leaving present. I was so touched by the effort they had put in to practice and make some impressive outfits, all without us finding out, which I don't know how they managed. We spent the morning playing party games in teams using face paints and other party regalia. We finished of the morning with little party bag presents for the winning team and sweets for everyone else. We were then treated to the pleasure of a few hours of Khmer karaoke by the children, it was horrible they can't sing at all and the music is rubbish. In the afternoon we made spaghetti and tomato sauce for the orphanage, I've never seen so much spaghetti and sauce! and a lot of it went down my front. The children and caregivers enjoyed it but not as much as you would expect, I assume they found it a bit full flavored compared to the food they are used to. Of course they all had rice as well as they are not full until they have done.

We were given some sweet jewelery as a present from the caregivers and we gave them a chocolate cake we had made in Phnom Penh and thought it would be fun for them to try. The children also gave us some sweet notes and cards but we had a bit of a nightmare with presents. The children wanted to give us a present but don't really have any money so started giving us all their possessions, we were given little plastic toys, toy bags, mangy socks old teddies you name it basically a bunch of rubbish that we didn't want but the children valued really highly,and then there was a bit of a snowball effect as the children didn't want to be forgotten. We were really touched as they were giving us their little treasures. So we had the challenge of giving it back without hurting their feelings. I think we managed.  I hate goodbyes so I felt sick and nervous about the final good bye but it was ok we were waved off and now I have begun my month of travelling around Laos and Vietnam with my friend Caroline and sister Rosie.

This is my last blog so Thank you very very much to everyone who has helped me fund this year it has been the most amazing experience which I think I have benefited so much from. I'm a bit scared about leaving and how I'm going to feel about being back home but I'm looking forward to university and hope to be back to visit someday. Anyone thinking of visiting Cambodia or doing a gap year with project trust, do it!